Ultimate Guide to Home Electrical Safety

Make sure you stay safe at home with these simple electrical safety tips! Photos By: Pexels For well over a century, we have enjoyed the modern convenience of electricity to live comfortably. It lights our homes, provides warmth, and powers our ever-growing assortment of electronics. It’s so common that it’s easy to forget its inherent dangers. Over time we’ve added safety features to appliances and outlets and adopted electrical wiring standards that keep us safe. These measures make our home’s safer. For example, when ground fault circuit interrupters (GCFI outlets)…

4 DIY Tips For Home Sellers in 2022

Thinking of selling your home next year? Here are some tips to sell your home fast! Photos By: Pexels With the new year, comes new resolutions for homeowners. If you’re thinking of taking advantage of the advantageous seller’s market by putting your home up for sale, you’ll be glad to know the current housing conditions almost guarantee a favorable closing price — so long as you have a top-notch real estate agent on your side. Though home prices are extremely high right now, there’s still plenty of tasks you can…

Tips for Controlling Pests in Your House

Most houses, especially the houses on the ground floor, have issues with pest control. Pest control can be really difficult if you are living in an area where there is moisture, and the cleaning is not done properly! During the summers, the pest can easily take control of your house. If you are looking for effective solutions that can help you get rid of the pests and to control the pests in your house, you can follow the tips mentioned below. It is not very difficult to control pests in…

Why Living in a Rainy City Can Change Your Dream House

Every person dreams of their own house and the style it will have once they are able to have it. However, there are a few things you have to take into consideration when you move into a rainy city because your style may change dramatically in order to adapt to the weather! Photos By: Unsplash Some of these things may seem obvious, but it is important to understand the different aspects of the design of your house in order to avoid problems with extreme weather. The distribution of rooms as…

What’s the New Normal Look Like for Real Estate Post-Coronavirus?

There’s no doubt that the post-coronavirus world is going to be a lot different, but what does that mean for real estate? Are we ready for the ‘new normal?’ Photo By: Anthony Wilder Design/Build, Inc. In just a few months, the coronavirus pandemic has altered the lives of Americans, our businesses, economy, and morale. As we go forward, it’s going to be challenging trying to get back to some semblance of normal. But, what does that look like? What will the ‘new normal’ look for the real estate market and how…